一級建築士事務所 株式会社IKDS
Ikeda Kokubun Design Studio (IKDS) is an architectural practice based in Tokyo.
Established in 1995, with the profession of Yasushi Ikeda and Akiko Kokubun, both of whom graduated The University of Tokyo and worked in an architectural office of the world-famous architect Fumihiko Maki. The practice has been gaining broad experience in the field of architecture and urban design, both domestic and international.
Concurrently with the activities as an architect, Yasushi Ikeda started his career as a researcher at the University of Keio in 1996. Now he belongs to The University of Tokyo. His research subject is to learn and explore the way of environmental design and its implementation that applies computational technology, and he uses his extensive experience for our architectural projects.
Akiko Kokubun has been engaged in various kinds of residential projects, such as detached houses, apartment houses, and cooperative houses, not only newly-built but also renovating or converting.Designing an affluent housing is her field of expertise. She is regarded with high esteem by the customers on her design, ability in construction management, and meticulous attention to detail, which is essential for the housing project in thinking all over the small issues in everyday life.
IKDS is a small organization, but that’s the reason why we stand at the front of every project consistently, pursuing our philosophy to be responsible for providing innovative and the best design solution for the clients.
株式会社IKDS 会社概要 IKDS Company Profile
- 所在地 〒153-0061 東京都目黒区中目黒3-6-2
- TEL 03-5725-9211
- Email ikdsinfo@ik-ds.com
- 登録 一級建築士事務所 東京都知事登録第40406号
- 設立 1995年
- 事業内容
- 建築の企画、調査、計画、設計、工事監理
- 共同住宅、戸建て住宅
- 学校施設の設計、キャンパス計画
- 建築の企画、調査、計画、設計、工事監理
- 共同住宅、戸建て住宅
- 学校施設の設計、キャンパス計画
- 文化施設
- 商業施設
- インテリア・家具計画
- 建築を中心とした地域計画 都市デザイン
- 建築の企画, 事業計画についてのコンサルティング
- サイン、グラフィック計画
IKDS (Ikeda Kokubun Design Studio)
Tokyo Metropolitan Registration Number :40406
1.Architectural Design & Management
- Housing(Private ResidenceVilla・Collective Housing)
- Education Facility(School・Campus Planning)
- Culture Facility(Museum・Hall・Martial Arts Center)
- Commercial Facility(Shop・Restaurant・Office・Hotel)
- Interior and Furniture Design
2 Urban Planning & Landscape Design
Regional Analysis & Planning
Urban Planning(Ground Design・Master Plan)
Regional Promotion
3 PM & CM
4 Sign Planning & Graphic Design
5 All business that accompanies each paragraph the former
池田靖史 Yasushi Ikeda
- 東京大学工学系大学院建築学専攻 特任教授
- 一級建築士
- 博士(工学)
- 1961年 福岡県生まれ
- 1985年 東京大学工学部建築学科 卒業
- 1987年 東京大学工学系大学院、槇研究室にて建築学修士課程を修了
- 1987年 (株)槇総合計画事務所に入所
- 1995年 (株)槇総合計画事務所を退所、(株)池田靖史建築計画事務所設立
- 1996年 慶応義塾大学総合政策学部準専任助教授
- 1997年 慶応義塾大学SFC研究所 特別研究員助教授
- 1999年 慶応義塾大学環境情報学部助教授
- 2003年 (株)IKDSに改称
- 2008年 慶應義塾大学院政策・メディア研究科教授
- 2022年 東京大学工学系大学院建築学専攻 特任教授(現職)
First Class Licensed Architect/ Japan #225919
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Ph.D. (Engineering)
1961 Born in Fukuoka-city, Japan
1985 Graduated from The University of Tokyo, Bachelor of architecture
1987 Completed Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Master of architecture
1987-1995 Worked for Maki and Associates
1995 Established IKDS
1996-2008 Keio University, Assistant Professor
2008- Keio University, Professor
2022- The University of Tokyo, Specially Appointed Associate Professor
國分昭子 Akiko Kokubun
- 株式会社IKDS 代表
- 一級建築士
- 芝浦工業大学非常勤講師
- 博士(工学)
- 1965年 東京都生まれ
- 1988年 東京大学工学部建築学科 卒業
- 1988年 (株)槇総合計画事務所に入所
- 1997年 (株)槇総合計画事務所を退所、(株)池田靖史建築計画事務所を共同主催
- 2003年 (株)IKDSに改称 管理建築士(現職)
- 2010年 東京大学工学系大学院都市工学専攻(社会人向け大学院都市持続再生学コース)修士課程修了
- 2013年 東京大学工学系大学院都市工学専攻博士 課程修了
Representative Director
First Class Licensed Architect/ Japan #239502
Ph.D. (Engineering)
1965 Born in Tokyo, Japan
1988 Graduated from The University of Tokyo, Bachelor of architecture
1988-1997 Worked for Maki and Associates
1997 Joined IKDS
2010 Completed Master’s Program in Sustainable Urban Regeneration, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo,
2013 Completed Doctoral program of urban engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo,